Compassion is a great gospel duly, and it must be hearty and practical. When we see a man in distress, we must not pass him by as the priest and Levite did, for thus we shall show that our religion is only skin-deep, and has never affected our hearts. We must pity, go near, help, and befriend. All that is needed we must do, so far as it lies in our power, and never leave the needy one till we have seen the matter through. The good Samaritan has earned for himself immortal honour. Let us imitate him by manifesting a brother’s love to those who are in trouble, even though they should happen to be opposed to us in religion, or have been regarded as our enemies. Such conduct will bring glory to God, and go far to recommend the holy religion which we profess. The Lord help us to do so, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
How beauteous are their feet
Who stand on Zion’s hill!
Who bring salvation on their tongues,
And words of peace reveal!
How happy are our ears,
That hear this joyful sound,
Which kings and prophets waited for,
And sought but never found.
How blessed arc our eyes,
That see this heavenly light!
Prophets and kings desired it long,
But died without the sight.