It is a good rule never to expect gratitude from any one, for it is a rare thing in the earth; and when we do receive it, it generally comes from those of whom we least expected it. Let us not ourselves forget to show our thankfulness to God for mercies received, for although gratitude to the Lord may not be in itself a sufficient sign of grace, yet its absence is a sure token of an unrenewed heart. In the case before us the thankful Samaritan was the only one of the ten who had true faith, and therefore he received the Saviour’s blessing.
Ten lepers felt the Saviour’s power
And straightway were restored,
But only one of ten returned
To bless the healing Lord.
So all among the sons of men,
His bounteous gifts obtain,
But few return with thankful love
To bless the Lord again.
Lord, let me not ungrateful prove,
For this were deepest shame,
But teach me how with all my heart
To magnify thy name.