Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: September 7

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: September 7

Today is: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion)

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My God shall supply all your need.”



Some spiritual teachers think it beneath them to devise anything for the temporal good of their hearers, but our Lord was intensely human and humane. He could not look on hunger and faintness without pity.


That is the question—How much ability have you? To calculate how much agency would be necessary to evangelize the thousands, may be mere speculation: to resolve each one of us to do our own share of the work is sound sense.


Those hands which multiplied the food were surely those of the world’s Creator. Who can doubt the Godhead of Jesus? Lord, prove thy Deity by making the labours of thy poor church to be a rich blessing to millions.

Mat_15:39; Mat_16:1-12


How trying it must have been to his holy and ardent soul to be haunted by these spies! Yet he never fell into their snares. His holy wisdom is an example for us. We too are watched.


The signs of coming judgment were clear enough. None are so blind as those who will not see.


Meaning their sour, hypocritical, carping spirit, and erroneous teaching.


What mere children the disciples were, yet Jesus bore with them very kindly, and so will he do with us.

Canst thou, then, without compassion,

Me thy faint disciple see,

Hungering after thy salvation,

Perishing for want of thee?

Dying, till the grace is given,

Only for thy life I pine;

Feed me, Lord, with bread from heaven.

Fill my soul with love divine.


The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind.”



Our Lord was never long without a case of sickness or infirmity to deal with, and if we are wise we shall each one keep him well employed by taking our own infirmities and sins to him. One touch of that dear hand will make us whole.


He saw indistinctly, as some of us do now in spiritual things; but when our Lord begins a cure he makes a perfect work of it. Meanwhile it is a great mercy to see at all.


Then he desired to avoid notoriety, and had wise reasons for commanding silence, but now we may publish his fame as much as we please; yea, the more we sound abroad his praises the better will he be pleased.


In his great love he could not bear to hear his Lord talk of suffering even unto death; but still his affection did not excuse his gross presumption.


Satan or thou adversary


It was great impudence on Peter’s part to chide his Lord, nor could the Master endure that his servant should put a stumbling-block in his way by urging him to forego suffering and death. He counted even his best friend to be an adversary when he stood in the way of his work of love. Lord, thou wast angry with Peter because thou wast too fond of us to spare thyself


Not only must Jesus make a sacrifice of himself, but the spirit of selfishness must be driven out of all who will be saved by him, and they also must be willing to die for the gospel’s sake. Nor need they be ashamed to do so, for in the end he will prove to have acted wisely who gave up all earthly things to gain the heavenly treasure.


Solemn words. Let us not go forth from this room till we have asked for grace, never to be ashamed of the name, people, doctrine, ordinances, or commands of Jesus.

Jesus! and shall it ever be?

A mortal man ashamed of thee!

Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise,

Whose glories shine through endless days.

Ashamed of Jesus! that dear Friend

On whom my hopes of heaven depend!

No; when I blush, be this my shame,

That I no more revere his name.