There is a worm undying, and a fire unquenchable. Let men say what they will, the wrath of God abides for ever upon those who die unsaved. It is worth while to make any sacrifice rather than fall for ever into hell.
Either we must be tried with fire here or hereafter. Self-denial and endurance of our Lord’s will must be the salt and the fire of our sacrifice in this life, or else the endless woes of the wrath of God shall be both preserving salt and con-sinning fire to us in another world. Far better to accept the light afflictions of to-day, than to endure the fierce flames of perdition.
To be sung or read
Behold, how good a thing it is,
And how becoming well,
Together, such as brethren are,
In unity to dwell!
Like precious ointment on the head,
That down the beard did flow,
E’en Aaron’s beard, and to the skirts
Did of his garments go.
As Hermon’s dew, the dew that doth
On Sion’s hills descend;
For there the blessing God commands,
Life that shall never end.