John Kitto Evening Bible Devotions: March 23

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John Kitto Evening Bible Devotions: March 23

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Old Age


There is perhaps no portion of this remarkable book which has attracted more attention than the description of old age, under a variety of strong but appropriate figures, contained in the twelfth chapter. It has perhaps received more illustration, variously applied, than any other portion of Scripture of equal extent. It has often been regarded as furnishing a complete and connected allegorical description of old age, and its final close in death. But an allegory is the representation of one thing intended to suggest the representation of another thing, as where the wine is chosen by the Psalmist to depict the condition of the Hebrew people: Whereas, in the present chapter no ruling and predominant object is taken for the comparison, but a variety of images are mingled together to form a vivid description of venerable but complaining old age. It is not, therefore, properly speaking, an allegory, and cannot without great caution be subjected to the rules of allegorical interpretation. It is best to consider it as a highly figurative and poetical description of old age, in which the various infirmities and imbecilities of that period of life are portrayed in a variety of images, in themselves unconnected, but all tending to identify the prototype. It scarcely affords any adequate foundation for the very elaborate scientific and anatomical illustration to which it has been by some writers subjected, or for the elucidation by the light of modern medical science, of a poetical description, which requires rather a popular illustration derived from Asiatic customs and the use of figurative language. It is, indeed, not always easy to apply every particular of the description to the special circumstances of human infirmity which Solomon intended it should represent; for as it depends much upon the notions which that prince entertained of the inward structure of the human frame, and of the office of each part, no one can be adequately qualified to explain it who has not such a knowledge of ancient anatomy as few even among skilful modern physicians possess. We say ancient, because it is not to be supposed that Solomon, if he meant his comparisons to be understood, would allude to discoveries whereby he must then have been unintelligible; and Hippocrates himself was but a modern in comparison with him. Still many particulars may be made out; and in rapidly running through the description we shall endeavor to indicate them.

When the Preacher speaks of “the sun, the light, the moon, and the stars being darkened,” he probably means this as a general and introductory statement of the pains and miseries of age. But others suppose him to refer to the general decay of the powers and faculties of the mind—the understanding being obscured, the memory debilitated, and the will feeble, languid, and cold. And when he says that the clouds then “return after the rain,” ‘‘he must be taken to refer first to the winter season, as there is no rain in summer in Palestine, and uses this to indicate, probably, the succession of infirmities and pains which attend the winter of man’s life.

The “keepers of the house,” which then “tremble,” are probably the arms and hands, which are to the human frame what guards and keepers are to a palace; or these members may be so called as those which provide for the sustentation of the house or body. Some have fancied the ribs to be intended, but these do not “tremble,” but become more fixed in age than in youth.

“The strong men” that then “bow themselves,” appear to be the lower limbs, which bend forward and totter in advanced age: but some have thought that it rather applies to the spine, the incurvation of which is so frequently connected with old age. All, however, are relaxed or bowed down by age, and plainly foretell the approaching downfall of the superstructure.

At this time of life’s decline the “grinders cease, because they are few.” As it happens that the term “grinder” is, in our language, applied to certain of the teeth, the meaning is here at once perceived. Indeed, it is too literally perceived to reflect the image found in the original. Not one in ten thinks that there is any figure, but takes the passage as indicative of a literal fact. If so, it would differ from the other intimations, which are all manifestly figurative. But, in truth, this is as figurative as the rest. In the original the term means, indeed, the grinders, that is, those who grind corn; but that term not being, as with us, applied to the teeth, it has but one sense, which is thus at once seen to be figuratively applied. Indeed, our own translators, overlooking or disregarding the erroneous impression which the double signification of the English word might create, must have meant the word “grinders,” simply as “those who grind,” and not the teeth called “grinders.” It is to be observed, that in the first part of the description the human frame is represented as a house, and that the active powers are represented as so many men and women employed in its various offices. We have had the keepers of the house; now we have the grinders—the women that daily grind the corn, whose diminution in a decayed and impoverished house, sets forth the decay of the teeth, all the more aptly, in that the action and result of the millstones that grind, is greatly similar to that of the teeth in mastication. Similarly, the eyes are represented as the windows of the decayed old house, because foul and opaque, so that one cannot any longer see through them. It is the sight, looking through the eyes, and this is a most truly poetical representation. How the visual power becomes impaired in old age, no one needs be told.

That “the doors shall be shut in the streets when the sound of the grinding is low,” is first a statement of the fact that in old and decayed mansions, in which much of the activities of life have ceased, the outer door towards the street is seldom opened, and there the song of the women as they grind the corn is seldom or but faintly heard. This is so clear that some have rendered the latter clause, “the voice of the grinding maids is low.” Again, in all houses the outer gates are closed as the night approaches. The closing of the gates is obviously applied to the compression of the lips induced by the want of teeth, and this is specially observable in eating, when the sound of the mastication is necessarily low, partly from the closed lips, and partly from the operation being performed with the gums and no longer with the teeth.

At this point the Preacher drops the comparison of the human frame to a house, and the points to which he wishes to call attention are set forth more directly or by single images.

That the aged “shall rise up at the voice of the bird,” is scarcely a figure, but a simple fact. Some have thought the crowing of the cock to be denoted, and suppose it to indicate that the aged sleep so unsoundly that they are awakened and rise at the crowing of the cock. This we doubt, as the aged are not distinguished for early rising, and to be awakened by the crowing of cocks is not peculiar to the aged. We apprehend that the term “bird” must be taken in its usual term of a sparrow or any small bird, and then the application will be, that the aged sleep so unsoundly, that they are aroused from their sleep even by the twittering of a small bird. This seems a much more expressive sense than the other.

That “the daughters of music shall be brought low,” is conceived by some to denote the incapacity of old age for the enjoyment of music. The decay of the power of hearing, as alluded to by old Barzillai in his answer to David—“Can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women?” But we are more inclined to suppose that the reference is to the decline of the organs employed in the production of music in old age, when the

“Big manly voice,

Turning again to childish treble, pipes

And whistles in the sound.”

The verse which describes the aged man as “afraid of that which is high, and his fears shall be in the way,” applies clearly to the difficulty which he experiences in making any ascents, as well as to the timidity which the consciousness of his infirm condition compels him to exhibit when he walks abroad into the public ways, which is particularly the case in the narrow streets of the East, where the comparative security of raised footpaths is not afforded.

The whitened hair of age is very eloquently compared to the flowering of the almond-tree. The flowers of this tree being white, and appearing before the leaves, it necessarily presents the appearance of one mass of whiteness. This reminds one of the name which the Arabs give Mount Hermon—Old Man’s Mountain, because of the resemblance formed between its snowcapped head, and the white hair and beard of an aged man. The application may also remind us of the fine thought of an American poet—

“Fair was she and young, when in hope she began the long journey;

Faded was she and old, when in disappointment it ended.

Each succeeding year stole something away from her beauty,

Leaving behind it, broader and deeper, the gloom and the shadow.

Then there appeared, and spread faint streaks of gray o’er her forehead,

Dawn of another life, that broke o’er her earthly horizon,

As in the eastern sky the first faint streaks of the morning.”

Longfellow’s Evangeline.

The extreme feebleness of advanced age, is strikingly expressed by the declaration, that “the grasshopper shall be a burden”—a fine poetical exaggeration of the fact, that a small weight, or a light labor, becomes burdensome to the old man. A kind of locust is designated; and the comparison may have been suggested by the fact, that these creatures, when not on the wing, frequently in their springs alight upon one’s person, which is hyperbolically represented as enough to oppress an old man, if not to overturn him. The fact also, that the locust was the smallest creature used among the Jews for food, may help to explain why this insect should be selected for the purpose of indicating that the least weight is burdensome to an old man. Another interpretation, however, declares it to be the intention of the Preacher to compare the aged man himself to a grasshopper or locust, translating “The grasshopper shall be a burden to itself.” Dr. Smith, in his curious work, “Solomon’s Portraiture of Old Age,” enforces this idea, that “The dry, shrunk, shriveled, complaining, scraggy old man, his backbone sticking out, his knees projecting forwards, his arms backwards, his head downwards, and the apophyses, or bunching parts of the bones in general enlarged, is very aptly described by that insect.

Tithonus as a Grasshopper
