John Kitto Evening Bible Devotions: September 20

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John Kitto Evening Bible Devotions: September 20

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Tour in Perea

Luk_13:22 to Luk_18:30

The place to which our Lord retired was “a country near to the wilderness, unto a city called Ephraim.” This place has, with probability, been identified by Dr. Robinson with the modern Taiyebeh, and with the ancient Ephron or Ophrah of Benjamin. Note: Jos_18:23; 1Sa_13:17; 2Ch_13:19. It is on a high hill, fifteen or twenty miles north of Jerusalem, and a short distance north of the rock Rimmon to which the remnant of the slaughtered Benjamites fled for defence, Note: Jdg_20:47. and a little to the north-east of Bethel. It occupies a lofty site; and from it one overlooks the adjacent desert, the Jordan with its great valley, and the mountains of Perea beyond. At this place our Lord made some stay. There were about two months to the Passover—a considerable portion of which interval seems to have been spent here, with excursions probably to the neighboring towns and villages. Then, when the time that remained was only sufficient for a leisurely missionary journey through Perea, He passed to the ether side of the Jordan, and proceeding southward, with many stoppages, recrossed the Jordan near Jericho, and proceeded by way of the city to Jerusalem. The history of this interval and journey is not given by the other evangelists, or only slightly alluded to; but is somewhat fully recorded by St. Luke, forming a large proportion of the matter peculiar to that evangelist. Note: Namely, from Luk_13:22 to Luk_18:30. This visit to Perea was natural; for, as Jesus was already there, when called away by the death of Lazarus, it is to be expected that he would return thither to complete his interrupted mission. At this day the hardy and industrious mountaineers of the district to which He first withdrew, have much intercourse with the valley of the Jordan, and till the rich fields and reap the harvests of Jericho. It was therefore quite natural and easy for our Lord, from this point, to cross the valley and the Jordan, and then turn his course towards Jericho and Jerusalem; while, at the same time, He exercised his ministry among the cities and villages along the valley, and in the eastern region.

Our Lord was attended by large crowd’s in his progress through Perea; and we have now to indicate the discourses and parables by which He instructed them, the incidents of the journey, and the miracles he wrought.

He exhorted the people to “enter in at the strait gate,”—for the time would come when it would be too late; when they might strive to enter in, and would not be able.

Herod Antipas was, as we have seen, ruler of Perea as well as of Galilee. The proceedings of Jesus in Galilee had already attracted his attention, and he regarded with uneasiness his present movements in Perea. Yet our Lord’s great popularity with the people, and the crowds by whom He was usually attended, made the king unwilling to commit any violence upon Him; and he would much rather that the responsibility of hostile proceedings against Him should devolve upon the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem. He, therefore, went indirectly to work in order to drive him out of his territories. He thus got some of the Pharisees to go to Jesus, and with an appearance of friendly interest in his safety, apprise Him that Herod had designs upon his life, and urge Him to quit the country. The characteristic and fox-like cunning of this contrivance to frighten Him away, was instantly apparent to our Savior, who replied, “Go ye, and tell that fox” that He was engaged in his proper work, and must remain until it was finished; yet He should soon depart, though not for fear of Herod or his threats, but because his work there would be done, and he must proceed to Jerusalem, “for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.” He knew the charge against Him was, and must be, blasphemy, of which crime only the great council at Jerusalem could take cognizance. It was also a fact, that the prophets who had been put to death, had chiefly perished at Jerusalem. This was followed by that touching lamentation over Jerusalem, which he repeated afterwards under circumstances which made it no less emphatically applicable: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings—and ye would not!”

One Sabbath-day our Lord, being, as He was, upon a journey, accepted an invitation to dine at the place where He rested on that day. The inviter was a Pharisee; and whatever was his object—or whether he had any beyond that hospitality which it was usual to show to a stranger—the other guests, who were chiefly Pharisees and lawyers, were prepared to notice what Jesus said or did with close and invidious attention.

There was a man present who had the dropsy; and Jesus took the unusual course of asking them whether it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath-day. They made no answer, probably because they had heard of his unanswerable replies to former objectors, and partly because they knew that the intention to prosecute him had been abandoned, that proceedings might be taken against Him in the still more serious charge of blasphemy. He then healed the man; and as they had made no objection before, they could not with any decency censure this act after it had been performed. This is the only instance of healing on the Sabbath-day that passed without express animadversion. Jesus had taken notice what solicitude the guests had manifested to secure the chief or most honorable places at the dinner table. The nature of this table has been lately explained—a couch enclosing three sides of a square, which contained the table. The place of honor was beside the host, on the middle couch, which lay along the upper end of the table. Of this post of honor it is on record that the rabbis of that age were remarkably ambitious, claiming it as a tribute due to their superior wisdom. Our Lord, who did not deem the common courtesies of social life unworthy his attention, took occasion to remark on the essential unfitness of this, and to rebuke the forward arrogancy for which Pharisees are notorious. He pointed out the humiliation to which such conduct might be exposed; as in the case of the master telling a person who had intruded himself into a seat to which he had no claim, to go down lower, when a more distinguished guest arrived; whereas by the contrary conduct, by taking a place below his claims, the entertainer might be induced to say, “Friend go up higher.” This was argument and illustration well suited to the men. He was far, however, from recommending the “pride that apes humility;” for He immediately proceeded to ennoble the illustration by a grand maxim of conduct, applicable to both temporal and spiritual life: “For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abused, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” He then pointed out with how little favor God regarded the lavish expenditure which the rich made in this way upon each other, mainly for selfish views, while so little care was taken to feed the hungry and succor the destitute. And at last He led the subject into higher and more spiritual regions, in the striking parable of the Great Supper. We scarcely know a finer instance, even in the Bible, of the progressive advancement of the sense of the discourse, through all its stages, from the commonest to the highest matters.

On another occasion, noticing the alacrity which the crowds evinced in following Him wherever He went, He turned round and told them it was no light matter to become his follower indeed; for no one could become truly his who was not ready, if need should occur, to leave for his sake all things that flesh and blood hold dear.

By this time the publicans and sinners began to perceive that our Lord did not regard them with disfavor, that He did not regard them with the scorn and pride with which the ordinary religious teachers of that day—and, indeed, all who called themselves respectable, looked down upon them. They therefore gathered to Him, and listened to Him with eagerness. They then found that He had not the least objection to associate with them, or even to take food with them. Thus filled the Pharisees with disgust, which our Lord rebuked, and at the same time justified his own conduct, in the beautiful parables of the Lost Sheep, the Piece of Silver, and the Prodigal Son.

He then turned to those of the publicans and sinners who had become his disciples, and in the parable of the Unjust Steward, warned them against the peculiar dangers to which they were by their position exposed, from the pursuit of worldly gain. The Pharisees—who were, in fact, as greedy as the publicans themselves after gain—heard this parable and the applicatory remarks that followed, with unconcealed derision; whereupon Jesus again addressed himself to them in the ever-memorable parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

Another time Jesus strongly enforced upon his disciples the necessity of their manifesting a sincere reluctance of “giving offence”—that is, of throwing any stumbling-blocks, by their conduct and deportment, in the way of others—and of showing truly forgiving tempers towards each other. It is evident that these two rules taken together—a reluctance to give offence, and a backwardness in taking offence—must be most effectual for securing harmony and peace among any body of Christian people. It is, however, difficult in the extent indicated; and the disciples feeling this, very properly cried, “Lord, increase our faith.” This led Him to illustrate the importance and potency of faith, and of that true humbleness of mind which counts as nought all that can be done or suffered.

One day as He approached a village, ten lepers cried to Him from afar, entreating Him to have mercy upon them. The circumstances are much the same as in the case of the single leper formerly cured in Galilee—with this difference that they were not healed at once, but were directed to go and show themselves to the priest, according to the law. By this it would seem, that their faith had been less evident in the first instance, than in the case of the man who had formerly been healed, and was, therefore, subjected to this small trial. The direction presupposed that they would be cured by the time they reached Jerusalem. If they believed this, they would go thither; if they doubted, they would not consider it worth their while. They all, however, went, and all were cured as they proceeded on their way. With joyful hearts they hastened on to claim from the priest formal deliverance from their sad estate. All hastened on save one. He lingered, and then turned back, even to the postponement of the full measure of his happiness, that he might pour out the gratitude of a full heart at the feet of his Deliverer. This man was a Samaritan. When he again came to Jesus, our Lord took notice of the deep and earnest emotion with which he glorified God, and poured forth his thanks. He noticed, also, that this was the only one who had returned. “Were there not ten cleansed?” he asked—“but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.” Then He said encouragingly to the man—Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.”

The answer of our Lord to the Pharisees, who asked Him when the kingdom of God—that is, the Messiah’s kingdom— would come, and the parables of the Importunate Widow, and of the Pharisee and Publican, mark the farther steps of this important journey.

Farther on, some mothers brought their little children for his blessing—probably as He was leaving some village—but the women were churlishly repulsed by the disciples, who were listening to a discourse on the too common practice of divorce, which must have been of deep interest to them. When Jesus noticed this action, He told them, with some severity, to allow the children to come to Him, “for of such,” He said, “is the kingdom of heaven.” And He drew them to Him, taking some in his arms, and bestowed upon them his blessing—a blessing of more worth than the spoil of empires, but the full value of which was, probably, not well understood by the mothers. They were, it is likely, such women as still in the East covet greatly for their little ones the blessing of some great teacher or holy man.

Gate at Herculaneum
