Christ In His Suffering, Trial, and Crucified by Klaas Schilder: Schilder, Klaas - Vol 1 - Christ In His Suffering: 00.5. e-Sword Module Prepared by

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Christ In His Suffering, Trial, and Crucified by Klaas Schilder: Schilder, Klaas - Vol 1 - Christ In His Suffering: 00.5. e-Sword Module Prepared by

TOPIC: Schilder, Klaas - Vol 1 - Christ In His Suffering (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 00.5. e-Sword Module Prepared by

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e-Sword Module Prepared by

Theological Warning

This first volume presents reformed theology that I disagree with. For example, I disagree in the strongest possible terms that Jesus could not prevent himself from being crucified and that the Father bound and forced Jesus. (The ultimate anti-free will argument?) Additionally, I generally disagree with some of the viewpoints expressed in chapters 5, 12, and 15.


Josh Bond


Text Modification

The text has been changed from the print edition. Scripture references were formatted for electronic presentation in e-Sword. Most implicit scripture references were made specific to reference the actual book chapter:verse rather than expecting the reader to deduce the chapter or book.

Footnotes are presented below the paragraph or seamlessly integrated with the text, mostly for verse references.

A few typographical errors were corrected

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