Christ In His Suffering, Trial, and Crucified by Klaas Schilder: Schilder, Klaas - Vol 3 - Christ Crucified: 00.5. Preface

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Christ In His Suffering, Trial, and Crucified by Klaas Schilder: Schilder, Klaas - Vol 3 - Christ Crucified: 00.5. Preface

TOPIC: Schilder, Klaas - Vol 3 - Christ Crucified (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 00.5. Preface

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IT is a source of great pleasure and of gratitude to Him, the preaching of Whose name is the most beautiful task on earth, for me to know that this work, which I greatly enjoyed writing, is appearing now in English translation.

Acknowledging a sense of great gratitude to those who took the initiative in promoting this translation, and to those who devoted painstaking care to it, I express the wish that the work also in the large English-speaking world to which it is now made available, may, with the blessing of God, keep that confession alive of which Charles Hodge gave this epitome: “Christ saves us as our Priest”; and: “Christ saves us as a Sacrifice”—a confession which induced him, a learned man, to pray, in the words of Toplady’s precious hymn.

Let the water and the blood,

From Thy wounded side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure,

Save from guilt and make me pure.


Kampen, September 3, 1937.


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