Who ever commenced life with higher aims, with a fairer prospect, than Solomon? With obvious limitations the Supreme Lord speaks thus to every young heart, affording opportunity for participating in the highest blessings.
I. Youth is the season of desires.—That ‘desire shall fail’ is a mark of age. Some of the desires of youth are beautiful, and some are base.
II. The best test of youthful desires is to shape them into prayers.—This is a reasonable course, for God has created our human nature with its longings. If the young take their desires to God, what in them is unworthy will subside. What the youthful heart cannot ask of God, let it not ask at all.
III. God’s gifts to the young are, for the most part, in response to their desires and requests.—Let desires become prayers, and they are granted. (1) There is authority for this view: God Himself says, ‘Ask!’ (2) The benevolence of the Heavenly Father delights to satisfy the purest and noblest cravings of the youthful nature. (3) Asking, aspiring, endeavouring, are all Divinely appointed means towards obtaining what is best.
‘The condition of Solomon’s heart was clearly manifest in that he sought for the wisdom necessary to accomplish his work in the best possible way. In his request his sense of responsibility was manifest, and also his realisation of the fact that he could only fulfil the same as he was Divinely guided. The answer of God to his request was a beautiful instance of the overflowing love and grace of the Divine heart. All the things he set aside for the sake of wisdom were also given him. It is impossible to read this story without the words of the “greater than Solomon” being recalled to the mind: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” So far as Solomon was concerned it was a fine beginning.’