James Nisbet Commentary - Proverbs 11:24 - 11:24

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James Nisbet Commentary - Proverbs 11:24 - 11:24

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:


‘There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth.’


I. This scattering is a conception borrowed from the husbandman.—From out his barns he takes the precious seed and scatters it broadcast. The child of the city might wonder at his prodigality, little weening that each of the scattered seeds may live in a hundred more and perpetuate itself for successive autumns.

II. We are bidden to measure our life by its losses rather than by its gains; by the blood poured out rather than by its storage in the arteries of life; by our sacrifices rather than its self-preservation; by its gifts rather than its accumulations. He is the richest man in the esteem of the world who has gotten most; he is the richest in the esteem of heaven who has given most.

III. And it is so ordered that as we give we get.—If we miserly hoard the grain, it is eaten by weevils; if we cast it away it returns to us multiplied. Stagnant water is covered with scum, flowing water is fresh and living. He who gives his five barley loaves and two small fishes into the hands of Jesus sees the people fed and gets twelve baskets over. Tell out all you know, and you will have enough for another meal, and yet another. Set no limit to your gifts of money, time, energy; in the act of giving the whole that you have expended will return to you, and more also. Freely ye have received, freely give. There is no limit to your supplies in Jesus.


‘Where you get, be sure to give. Remember the golden rule in Pro_11:24; as you scatter you will increase. Be liberal to water others, and you shall be watered yourself. Give your barley loaves and fish, and you shall gather twelve basketfuls. Never be drawn into the “rings” of salt or corn or ice, lest you incur the curse of the people. Above all, do not trust in your riches, then will you flourish as a green branch, heavy with foliage and fruit.’