Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: April 16

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: April 16

Today is: Sunday, January 12th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Only the Lord establish His word.”


The sacrifice was ended, but the devout family did not think of leaving the sacred courts until once more they had bowed before the Lord. They were not tired of worship, but having begun well they would finish well. One heart there was in that family which adored with an unusual joy. Hannah had come up to the tabernacle “a woman of a sorrowful spirit,” but not so did she return home. How sweet to leave our burdens behind us after we have joined in worship with the people of God. May our family devotions at this time have the like soothing effect upon any troubled one among us.


How doubly precious a blessing is when it comes in answer to prayer. Have we nothing to ask for? Have we not also choice favours which have this increased sweetness in them that we “asked them of the Lord”?


Parents must not neglect the service of God because of their children, and when mothers are lawfully detained at home, the rest of the household must not make idle excuses for staying away too.


What a choice saying, “Only the Lord establish his word.” We ought to think everything less important than this. If God will but deal with us according to promise, other things are of little consequence.


It was natural that the mother should be sorry to part with her dear boy; yet grace triumphed over nature, and she went up to resign her child to the Lord with a glad heart, which expressed its gratitude in an offering of thanksgiving. What God had lent her she returned to him without reluctance. O that all our dear children may be the Lord’s. It were better to part with them to be God’s servants, than to keep them with us, and see them graceless.


She gave up this one child, and the Lord sent her five others ere long. The Lord takes care to be in no ones debt, he rewards plenteously those who cheerfully make sacrifices for his cause.


Eli rejoiced in the good woman’s piety, and all gracious hearts are glad to see others ardent in love to God. Perhaps, however, the text means that Samuel also worshipped the Lord there, and how delightful it is to see young children truly pray. Is there no little Samuel in this house who will worship the Lord now? Let us all endeavour to do so with our whole hearts.

What shall I render to my God

For all his kindness shown?

My feet shall visit thine abode,

My songs address thy throne.

Among the saints that fill thine house,

My offerings shall be paid;

There shall my zeal perform the vows

My soul in anguish made.


My heart rejoiceth in the Lord.”



When she had obtained her desire she did not desist from prayer, but the rather she was encouraged to abound in it. Her prayers, however, were no longer salted with sorrow, but were sweetened with the spices of gratitude. She rose from prayer to praise,

Not in my child so much as in my God. God must ever be our exceeding joy

Her name and power were lifted up, but she gave the Lord the glory of it:

She knew herself to be in need of salvation, and her faith found all that she wanted in the Lord her God.


Her joy was all in God, in his salvation, in his matchless holiness, and in his eternal strength. Her Samuel did not become her idol, she loved her God better than her boy. Woe unto that mother who permits son or daughter to rival the Lord. God’s people must learn to feel and say, “there is none beside thee, O Lord.”


He does not judge by appearances, his judgments call for sincerity of heart, and will not be content without it.


Thus is it the Lord’s way to pull down the lofty, and uplift the lowly. Those who are great and full in themselves he regards with scorn; but the poor and the empty he looks upon with pity.


It is the method of his grace to humble those whom he means to exalt. None will ever be rich in Christ until they are made to feel that they are bankrupt in themselves.


He alone is the Creator, and he does as he wills with his own. Who shall question the exercise of his undoubted prerogative?


He will preserve them from wandering or falling. God’s people are too dear to him for him to suffer one of them to perish,


This is a right noble song, breathing not only warm devotion, but the true spirit of poetry. Hannah was a great original poetess, and even the Virgin Mary in her sweet hymn of gratitude will be found to have followed in Hannah’s track. Though as yet no Psalms had been written which might serve her as models, her song is exquisitely composed, and has a delightful savour of spiritual religion about it. She is the first who sings of the “anointed” king, and as there was actually no king over Israel in her day, the words would seem to have a prophetic reference to Christ. He is the crown of all the saints’ joys, and their songs reach their highest notes when they sing of “the anointed.”

My soul doth magnify the Lord,

My spirit doth rejoice;

To thee, my Saviour and my God,

I lift my joyful voice.

My God, I’ll praise thee while I live,

And praise thee when I die,

And praise thee when I rise again,

And to eternity.