Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: May 30

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: May 30

Today is: Sunday, January 12th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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The desire of the righteous shall be granted.”



No man can do us a greater kindness than to instruct us in the right and warn us of the wrong; but probably it is as difficult to accept advice in a proper spirit as to give it wisely. Be it ours ever to listen to the words of wisdom, and never to be above learning from any one.


The first sentence shows that all hypocritical concealment of hatred is folly as well as sin. The last sentence is a severe blow to very many. May it not apply to some of ourselves? Are we not far too ready to repeat evil reports?


How common is the fault of talkativeness. Men talk so much because they think so little. Drums make a great noise because they are hollow. One attribute of a wise man is within the reach of us all—we can be quiet. Let us try it.


The best part of an ungodly man is little worth; this is God’s opinion of him, and it ought to humble him, and cause him serious thought.


They cannot feed others, for they are famishing themselves for want of the truth.


Other riches always bring attendant griefs: none but the Lord’s roses are without thorns.


The whirlwind is only remembered by the ruin which it leaves behind it, and the like is true of many a bad man; but the repute of good men is comparable to an ancient castle, whose deep foundations abide the lapse of ages, and remain as enduring monuments from age to age.


He is obnoxious, objectionable, a nuisance, a provocation. He who would please his employer, must be diligent, quick, and hearty.


It cannot be doubted that true religion, by its temperance, peacefulness, and purity, tends to lengthen human life; and it is equally certain that intemperance, vice, irregular habits, and frequent ill-temper, have a powerful tendency to bring men sooner to their graves than would otherwise fall to their lot. Godliness has thus the promise of the life that now is.


There will come a day when wicked men shall not be found upon this earth: they will die out, and their places be filled up by a holy seed. We long for the coming of the Lord which will usher in the age of holiness.


They try to provoke and sadden others: they have no sense of fitness, but talk at random. Far from each of us be that wild, ungovernable tongue which wounds others needlessly: be ours the gentle, holy conversation which blesses both the hearer and the speaker; thus shall this family be a little heaven below.

Jesus, the sinner’s Friend, to Thee,

Lost and undone, for aid I flee;

Weary of earth, myself, and sin,

Open thine arms and take me in.

Pity and heal my sin-sick soul;

‘Tis thou alone canst make me whole;

Fallen, till in me thine image shine,

And lost I am, till thou art mine.


Boast not thyself of to-morrow.”



To provide for the morrow is duly, to boast of it is sin. Only a worldling will dare to do so, for eternity is near, and we may be ushered into it before the sun goes down or rises again. The rich fool’s soul was required of him the very night he gloried in the fulness of his barns. Young people must not make sure of living to ripe years, for there are little graves in the cemetery, and flowers in the bud are taken from the stem. Repentance and faith are our bounden duties to-day; to delay will be a wicked boasting of to-morrow, and may cause our eternal ruin.


Because he will not forgive; he is sullen and revengeful, and his anger oppresses his own heart, and if he has power his wrath becomes a sore burden to others.


Adam and Satan both fell by envy of God, and it will surely blot our happiness if we indulge in it. Envy spits its venom on the best of men, and is a horrible and devilish passion, to be fought with and overcome by all who follow the loving Jesus.


Let us not, then, be changeable and unsettled. If we have not succeeded where we are, let us try again, but let us not be for ever shifting. How can a tree grow which is often transplanted?


Jesus was our father’s best friend, let us not forsake him. We shall never find a better;


Relationship ought to be a close bond, but alas, selfishness often comes in. Jonathan was kinder to David than Joseph’s brethren were to him.


Do not trust the licentious man He is bad at heart, and his vices will soon make him a beggar; if you must deal with him, do it on the strictest terms, or he will rob you.


Extravagant praises are distasteful to sensible men, and too often one may suspect that they are uttered with a sinister end. We should wish well to our friends, but vehemently to sound their praises at untimely hours, will do them no service, but rather the reverse.


Contention with a neighbour is a sharp shower, soon over; but contention with a wife at home is weary work, and makes life a misery; and the worst of it is that the home strife cannot be concealed; the noise and ill-temper of a bad woman reveal themselves; you might as well try to cover up the wind, or hold oil in your hand. Let us never strive, except to make each other happy.


Good society is a great help to grace. Communion with the saints helps us in the service of God.


And if Jesus be that Master, our honour shall be great and long enduring, and our reward shall be sweet indeed.

Hear God while he speaks, then hear him to-day;

And pray while he hears, unceasingly pray;

Believe in his promise, rely on his word,

And while he commands you, obey your great Lord.