His prayer was heard. He was preserved, and even so shall all believers be, if they will but repose their souls upon the faithfulness of God. All is well if faith be firm.
Fierce burning coals of juniper,
And arrows of the strong,
Await those false and cruel tongues
Which do the righteous wrong.
But as for me my song shall rise
Before Jehovah’s throne,
For he has seen my deep distress,
And hearken’d to my groan.
In vain the powers of darkness try
To work the church’s ill,
The Friend of sinners reigns on high,
And checks them at his will.
Though mischief in their hearts may dwell,
And on their tongues deceit,
A word of his their pride can quell,
And all their aims defeat.
My trust is in his grace alone;
His house shall be my home,
How sweet his mercies past to own,
And hope for more to come.
Oh! taste and see that God is good,
And that his saints are blest;
Grace never can be understood
Till in the heart it rest.
Oh! trust the Lord, desponding saint;
Of all that to him flee,
There’s none hath ever been in want,
And none shall ever be.
Captain of our soul’s salvation,
Perfect made thyself in woe,
Thou didst seek no reputation
When thou wast with man below:
Mid the lowest,
Mid the vilest thou didst go.
They whose ills were most distressing,
They who were of sinners chief,
Gladly sought thy gracious blessing,
Ran to thee for sure relief:
Thou didst bless them—
Thou didst carry all their grief.
All with heavy debts embarrassed,
Who no hope of pardon see,
All with fears of judgment harass’d,
Look for help, O Lord, to thee:
Thou dost freely
Welcome all who come to thee.
I bow towards thy mercy-seat:
Haste, Lord, thy servant haste to meet,
To thee, addressed, my sorrows rise;
Lord, bend thine ear, accept my cries.
O let my prayer before thee come,
Sweet as the censer’s fragrant fume;
And may the hands, which thus I rear,
An evening sacrifice appear!
O glorious hour! O blest abode!
I shall be near and like my God;
And flesh and sin no more control
The sacred pleasures of my soul.
My flesh shall slumber in the ground,
‘Till the last trumpet’s joyful sound;
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise,
And in my Saviour’s image rise.