Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: May 18

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: May 18

Today is: Sunday, January 12th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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He shall sustain thee.”

Psalms 55

This Psalm most clearly describes David’s condition when he had fled far away into the wilderness to escape from his son. He bitterly bewails the treachery of Ahithophel, and prophesies his doom; but his Psalm ends with most faithful and cheerful advice, which we shall all do well to follow.


Let us dwell a moment upon the twenty-second verse, “Thy burden,” or what thy God lays upon thee, lay thou it “upon the Lord.” His wisdom casts it on thee, it is thy wisdom to cast it on him. He gives thee thy portion of suffering, accept it with cheerful resignation, and then take it back to him with assured confidence. “He shall sustain thee.” He who ordains the burden will also ordain strength. Thy bread shall be given thee, thy waters shall be sure. Abundant nourishment shall fit thee to bear all thy labours and trials. “As thy days so shall thy strength be.” “He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” He may move like the boughs of a tree in the tempest, but shall never be moved like the tree torn up by the roots. He stands firm who stands in God. Many would destroy the saints, but God has not suffered them to perish, and he never will. Like pillars, the godly stand “stedfast, unmoveable,” to the glory of the Great Architect.

God shall preserve my soul from fear,

Or shield me when afraid;

Ten thousand angels must appear,

If he command their aid.

I cast my burdens on the Lord,

The Lord sustains them all;

My courage rests upon his word,

That saints shall never fall.


Behold how he loved him.”


While the great battle was raging in the wood, the aged king was anxiously watching for news.


If there were many men running they would probably be fugitives from the fight, but one would naturally be a herald from the camp.


It is a great mercy when this can be said of the son of a priest. So it ought always to be, but so it is not always.


There was the tender point in the father’s heart. If there be such love in an earthly father, how much greater is the affection of our heavenly Father! Surely he takes no delight in the death of any, but had rather that they should turn unto him and live.


He had learned to hold his tongue. He was in no haste to grieve the king.


The honest Ethiopian told his black news as fairly as he could, but a dagger went to the father’s heart as he heard it.


Herein was love—great, vehement, passionate; but the love of Jesus to us was greater still; for he did not say, “Would God I had died for you,” but he has actually died that we might live. Oh love, amazing and incomprehensible! David weeping is a spectacle of love, but Jesus dying is more wonderful still!

2Sa_19:2; 2Sa_19:4-8


Joab was probably right, but his manner was rough and unfeeling. It is always well to speak gently, even when we are required to be firm.


Thus a good end was answered by Joab’s harsh interference. Good men follow sound advice, even when it is wrongly presented: we must not act foolishly because our adviser speaks uncourteously.