We do not often find him much displeased, and therefore we may learn that to discmirage a child from coming to Jesus is beyond all other things displeasing to him.
We must possess the simplicity, teachableness, and trustfulness of children, or else grace is not in us. Like them also we must be free from avarice and ambition.
The tenderness of Jesus to the little ones proved him to be the Messiah, for we read—
Psalms 128
Now that we have before us this choice act of Jesus’ love in receiving children, let us pray that all in this house may be blessed of him, and that the children may be saved while yet young. Have we not the promise of it? Is not the promise to us and to our children? For our encouragement let us read and pray over—
Full of love was Jesus found
To the little ones around;
And his tender, loving eye
Would not pass an infant by.
When the young to him were led,
Gracious gentle words he said;
While he took them up and smiled
Kindly on each little child.
“Let the young ones come to me,
And forbid them not,” said he;
“Many such, in heaven above,
Dwell with God and share his love.”