0' with an allusion of S. John, who was called by virtue of this passage essentially o qeologoj.
0' Gregory at all events seems here to take it to mean, `Why are they baptized in the name of a dead Christ?
0' as he is adopting partially S. Paul's words, 1 Cor. xv. 29; as well as Heb. xi. 1 above.
0' than S. John's.
0' and `commissioned
0' officers.
0' and this, as a rule, is adhered to throughout.
68 anagennwntai.
69 Cf. Gregory's theory of human perfection; De anima et Resurrectione, p. 229, 230. `The All-creating Wisdom fashioned these souls, these receptacles with free wills, as vessels as it were, for this very purpose, that there should be some capacities able to receive His blessings, and become continually larger with the inpouring of the stream. Such are the wonders that the participation in the Divine blessings works; it makes him into whom they come larger and more capacious. ...The fountain of blessings wells up unceasingly, and the partaker's nature, finding nothing superfluous and without a use in that which it receives, makes the whole influx an enlargement of its own proportions. ...It is likely, therefore, that this bulk will mount to a magnitude wherein no limit checks the growth.
70 Proverbs viii. 22 (LXX). For another discussion of this passage, see Book II. ch. 10 (beginning) with note.
71 Proverbs viii, 27 (LXX).
72 in the Canon. (Oehler's stopping is here at fault, i.e. he begins a new paragraph with 'Ekdexetai ton logon touton o Pauloj). We need not speculate whether Gregory was aware that the Epistle to the Colossians (quoted below) is an earlier `Gospel
73 Coloss. i. 16.
74 Coloss. i. 16.
75 taciarxaj kai loxagouj, ekatontarxouj te kai xiliarxouj. The difference between the two pairs seems to be the difference between `non-commissioned
76 2 Corinth. xii. 4.
77 Isaiah vi. 6, Isaiah vi. 7.
78 Psalm ciii. 21.
79 toij anagennwmenoij.
80 taj men, i.e. Ousioj. Eunomius' Arianism here degenerates into mere Emanationism: but even in this system the Substances were living; it is beat on the whole to translate ousia `beeing,
81 kakeinai ai energeiai autai.
82 tw parhllacqai, k.t.l. This is Oehler's emendation for the faulty reading to of the editions
83 John v. 23.
84 John v. 22; John i. 3.
85 John v. 22; John i. 3.
86 1 Cor. i. 24. "Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God."
87 John v. 23. The Gospel enjoins honour and means love: the Law enjoins love and means honour.
88 a prelude. See Psalm vii. 1 and Psalm xviii. 1, "fortress," krataiwma; sterewma, LXX.
89 The meaning is that, if the Son is later (in time) than the Father, then time must have already existed for this comparison to be made; i.e. the Son is later than time as well as the Father. This involves a contradiction.