John Kitto Evening Bible Devotions: September 19
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John Kitto Evening Bible Devotions: September 19 Today is: Saturday, September 14th, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion ) Select a Day for a Devotion in the Month of September: (Show All Months) Lazarus Raised from the Dead
John 11
On getting beyond the Jordan, and out of the territory of Judea, Jesus stationed himself with his disciples at “the place where John at first baptized” The remembrance of John, and the influence of his teaching, was still strong in that quarter and those who repaired to Jesus and witnessed his teaching and miracles, naturally reverted to the connection with, and the difference between, Him and his harbinger. They said “John did no miracle; but all things that John spake of this man were true.” The result was that many believed on Him there.
He seems not to have been here long, but how long we know not precisely, when a man arrived in hot haste with a message from the sisters at Bethany, “Lord, he whom Thou lovest is sick;” this was Lazarus their brother, but they knew that He would need no other than this touching designation of him. Knowing what miracles of healing Jesus had wrought, their expectation doubtless was that He would hasten back to restore his friend; but He only said, “This sickness is not unto death,” and the messenger probably returned with that intimation. If so, he found Lazarus dead; and by counting the days we shall see that he must have been already dead when Jesus made that declaration.
Our Lord did not at all hasten to depart, but remained where He was two days, before he gave any intimation that He meant to go to Bethany. Various conjectural explanations of this delay have been offered. We need not state them here; but we apprehend the case to have been this, that Jesus knew Lazarus was dead when the messenger came to tell Him that he was sick. If he had been alive, He could have healed him by a word without going to Bethany for the purpose. As, therefore, He could not then prevent his dying, He saw reasons for suffering him to remain so long dead “for the glory of God,” that the Son of God might be the more abundantly glorified by his final restoration to life. For in the ordinary course of nature it should seem less difficult to restore to life the recently dead, than those in whom the process of corruption have commenced. It may also have been part of his deign to allow the grief of the sisters for the loss of their brother to reach its height, so that the relief He meant to bring might make the more abiding, and therefore more salutary, impression upon them; acting thus after the manner of his heavenly Father, who often affords the first relief in the moment of greatest sorrow and extremest need. After two days, during which the disciples had probably rested under the impression that Lazarus was dead, they were startled when their Master declared his intention of returning into Judea. They ventured to remonstrate that by so doing He threw himself into the very jaws of danger, seeing with what blind fury the Jews had lately sought his life. He then informed them of the reason for his going—that Lazarus was dead—adding, “I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe.” He was there not long ago, and He was glad that the sickness of Lazarus had not then occurred, for He could not then have declined the solicitations of the sisters to rescue the sufferer from approaching death. If, being there, or being at hand in order to prevent it, He had suffered him to die, and then raised him, the miracle would have borne that aspect of vulgar ostentation, no trace of which has been found in the acts of Jesus, even by the greatest enemies of his name. In fact, it would have amounted to this—that He wilfully let Lazarus die, for the express purpose of raising him afterwards! Not very different from this in fact, though different in spirit, is the explanation, which supposes that Jesus tarried beyond the Jordan, in order that he might not arrive in time to save his friend from the grave.
As to the gladness of Jesus for their sakes, in addition to the motives already stated, there is another of great weight. Jesus knew very well that “his hour” was close at hand; and as the decisive movement drew on, it became very important that He should perform some miraculous act, which should afford still more unequivocal marks than his earlier ones of his Diving sovereignty and omnipotence, and thus leave behind Him a deep impression, to strengthen his friends, and either to convince or confound his enemies. So important is the event in this point of view, that skeptics have been constrained to acknowledge that a circumstance so remarkable and peculiar, if irrefragably established to their satisfaction (as it ought to be, and would be if their eyes were not blinded), would necessitate a belief in the entire evangelical record. Thus Spinoza is reported to have said to his friends, “that if it were possible for him to persuade himself of the resurrection of Lazarus, he would dash his whole system to pieces, and embrace the faith of ordinary Christians without reluctance.” Note: Bayle, as cited by Tholuck, whose commentary on this chapter is very valuable. O the pity, then, that he could not understand, or that, not understanding, he could not yet believe it! Great had been his gain.
It was with real concern that the disciples perceived their Lord to be firmly bent on proceeding to Bethany, near as that place was to Jerusalem. Thomas, in particular, regarded the journey as so perilous, that although his attachment would not suffer him to separate himself from his Lord, yet he could not accompany him with a joyful confidence in God. In the keen apprehension of the danger that awaited the Master and his disciples, he cried out in a kind of despair, “We then will also go, that we may die with Him.” It is well to note the agreement of this with the subsequent indication of character which Thomas affords.
On his arrival near Bethany, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been four days in the grave. As the Jews of this age buried their dead almost immediately after decease (see Act_5:6-10 ), and, unless under very peculiar circumstances, would not keep a corpse in the house over night, this shows that, as we have said, Lazarus died the same day on which the messenger had been sent to Jesus, for the man must have taken that day for his journey to the inner bank of the Jordan; Jesus remained two days after he received the intelligence; and the journey to Bethany required the fourth day, that is, so much of that as had expired when he reached Bethany, which was probably towards evening.
It was a custom among the Jews in cases of death for all acquaintances to visit the bereaved persons, and console them for seven days continuously; and as Lazarus had been well known, and seems to have been a person in what is called good circumstances, many friends had come over from Jerusalem to condole with Martha and Mary. The sisters were sitting in the house in their sorrow, surrounded by such comforters, when the rumor came that Jesus had arrived. This was either whispered apart to Martha, to whom, as the elder, any message would naturally be given; or Mary, in her more absorbed and meditative grief, had not heard this intimation. Martha rose immediately and hastened to meet Jesus, and when she beheld Him, she cried, “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died;” and her faith being awakened into lively action when she saw Him actually appear, whose presence had been so ardently desired, she added, “I know that even now, whatsoever Thou wilt ask of God, God will give it Thee.” It may also appear from this, that the sisters had not misunderstood the intimation which the messenger brought back: they knew that Jesus could not be under a mistake; and as their brother was already dead, what other meaning could it bear than that Lazarus was not to be finally given over to the power of death? It was well known that Jesus had already raised the dead more than once, and this could not have escaped the recollection of those who had so thoroughly explored every ground of hope.
Jesus answered her, as was at times his wont, somewhat vaguely, in order to lay open the state of her heart. He told her that her brother should rise again. This answer, meeting her hopes less definitely than she expected, she answered dejectedly, that she knew very well that he would at one time rise from the dead. Our gracious Lord sympathized in her grief. He knew well her sorrow, and counted all her tears; but He was not willing that even such grief should exercise undue dominion over her, and make her forgetful of that inward eternal, and Divine life, which was safe from destruction or decay. He reminded her that this life was in Him, and was imparted to the faithful by union with Him. They whose eyes and whose hopes have that direction, cannot be unduly troubled at the loss of perishable possessions—not even at that which is perishable in the friends and brothers of their souls. Anxious to fix this impression upon her mind, Jesus asked her, “Believest thou this?” In her heart the feeling of unconditional surrender was now re-awakened, and shame at her momentary misgiving, drew from her a full acknowledgment of Him as the Messiah. Elevated by the sacred feelings thus pressed into her heart, Martha at once hastened to summon her sister, to whom she whispered that the Master was come, and desired her presence. The communication was made privately, doubtless in order to avoid creating any movement among the Jews present, and of preventing any hostile designs. Indeed, to avoid exciting attention, Jesus had not yet entered the village; and He probably also wished to remain near the place where the grave was, for in the East sepulchers were formerly as now always outside of towns.
As it was then also, as now, customary, after the death of a relative or beloved friend, to visit the grave daily for a certain time, and there to give way to boundless grief; the Jews, seeing Mary go out in an agitated manner, concluded she had gone to weep at her brother’s grave. But it was to Jesus she went; and when she reached Him, she fell at his feet, and cried, “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died,”—tears prevented her further utterance, and she dared not, like the more sanguine Martha, add the assurance of a joyful hope. The Savior, who was clothed with human nature and all its affections, was deeply moved at the grief He witnessed. “He groaned in his spirit, and was troubled,” and asked to be shown the place where one so beloved was buried. When He looked upon that place, He wept, and the tears He shed are very precious to us, for they assure us that He was indeed such as we are, although without sin.
Among the Jews present, some were friendly to, or not prepossessed against Jesus, others were hostile to Him, as appears by the fact that they hastened afterwards to report to the Sanhedrin what had been done. The former, who had seldom seen the Redeemer under circumstances to call forth the ordinary movements of human emotion, rejoiced to witness his sympathy, and said to one another, “Behold how He loved him.” But the others sarcastically asked among themselves, how it happened that He who could give sight to the blind, had not saved his friend from the grave. They thought He ought to have done so, and would have done so, if He had been able; and his evasion or neglect of this duty, in so plain a case, threw discredit on his previous miracles, especially that of the man born blind—the last at Jerusalem.
Meanwhile our Lord drew nearer to the tomb. It was, as usual with the wealthier classes, an excavation in the rock, the mouth being closed with a large stone. Jesus directed the removal of this stone. This was never done but on very extraordinary occasions; never in the usual visits of friends to the sepulcher. Martha, who but now had allowed herself to cherish a vague hope, had again sunk into despondency, and saw nothing in this, but a desire on the part of Jesus to look once more upon the face of his friend. She therefore opposed this proceeding, by the intimation that, as her brother had been dead four days, corruption must already have commenced its dishonoring work upon his frame. He who has studied the human heart—he who has studied his own heart, will not regard, as strange things, those rapid changes of feeling, and quick flows and ebbs of faith, in any one, much less in one so susceptible to instant impressions as Martha. But Jesus reminded her that He had already in effect told her, that if she would believe, she should behold the glory of God. At these words, faith once more gushed up in her heart, like a spring of water, and the Redeemer was no longer obstructed by her unbelief. The stone was rolled away, and lifting up his eyes to heaven, Jesus poured forth to his Father, not a prayer for power to work this great deed, but a thanksgiving for it as already accomplished. And this was, He said, not on his own account, but for the sake of those who stood by: “That they may believe that Thou hast sent Me.” He then cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” And at that word, he lived; and strove, as far as the cerements of the grave allowed, to come forth.
Sepulcher at Tyre, with Niches